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Friday, May 18, 2007

Farscape Rules!!

If you're a sci-fi fan and you've never checked this show out, you've done yourself an incredible injustice.
Although it is no longer on the air, for four seasons, Farscape was the sci-fi channel's most popular show and in my opinion, history's most original sci-fi t.v. series.
Don't look for Star Trek's boring "dude with make-up on" aliens. With Jim Henson's Creature Shop behind the scenes, this show had new, original, and most of the time non-humanoid aliens EVERY WEEK!
Now of course no show can be great just on costume gimmicks. The element that brought me back week after week was the constantly developing characterization. Although there is only one real human on the show, each character has decidedly human emotions. Again, the difference from the sterilized world of Star Trek is very big. This show is intense, dark and some times off-the-wall funny.
And let's not forget creative! Although the show requires some investment (miss an episode and you've likely missed something important) the payoff (unlike "Lost") is always hugely gratifying.
And the story concepts are sometimes crazy! I ask you, what show can you watch where the main character dies in an episode and the other characters have to deal with his death. And yet... the next episode we see him alive and well.
Did he really die?
Did he come back to life, then?
Well then how can he be dead and alive at the same time? Are you speaking metaphorically? Nope, literally.
Look, you're just gonna have to check this show out for yourself! It's all on DVD and VERY affordably priced. Do yourself a favor and give "Farscape" a try.
It's how I'm spending some of MY weekend, anyway.

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