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Monday, May 21, 2007

Worst Funeral Gig EVER!

Maybe some time I'll record Mike Tully telling this story (since he told it to me) and then I'll post it here, but this is the worst true story I've ever heard....
A girl at the University that I went to was a singer, like me and Tully. Like singers do, she got a gig to sing at a funeral. She spoke to the widow on the phone-
Widow: I would like it very much if you would sing "Jingle Bells".
Singer: Are... are you sure that's what you want?
Widow: Oh, yes... it was my husband's favorite song and it would honor him so much to have it sung at the service.
So the singer practiced and did all she could to prepare for what would be a very odd experience. Now, for those who haven't done a "funeral gig", you should know that unlike weddings, there is almost never a rehearsal of any kind on location before the service begins. You show up, do it and you're done.
So this girl did her best to be respectful, even melancholy, as she slowly sang--
"Dashing (sigh and dramatic pause)... throughthesnoooooooow..."
Well, after the funeral the widow came up to talk to the girl and with tears and fury in her eyes said, "How dare you.... how DARE you sing that ridiculous song and mock the memory of my husband."
It was at that moment the girl, while simultaneously realizing something was very wrong, noticed an odd speech impediment in the widow that she hadn't noticed on the phone.
Singer: Bu... you sah... I thought you wante....
Widow: I said RINGA 'DEM BELLS!! (An old "spiritual", and VERY different from the Christmas season classic.)
Needless to say, the singer was not payed for the gig and is probably emotionally scarred for life.

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