Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Friday, August 10, 2007

"Stan Strikes Again!" AND "Any Ideas?"

Last night's episode of "Who Wants To Be A Superhero" surprised me again. I was convinced that the "mole" in the group was Parthenon. He was staying safely below the radar and we know the least about him as a person. I thought for sure he had been planted by the studio. But when Stan Lee revealed that there was in fact NO mole in the group, my stance completely reverted and now I can't help but think that Parthenon is in the running to win this thing! Especially given his strong show of integrity tonight. I was glad ONE of them realized that what they were doing was wrong! (Hygena thought it was fishy too, I guess, but didn't say anything while they were all sitting around talking about Mr. Mitzfah.)

The double elimination was another surpise, but I'm sure you'll agree that the two eliminated were obvious choices.

I still have issues with some of the criticisms Stan presents to the heroes. I felt like his comment on Hyper-Strike and Whip-Snap about failing to encourage their team-mates was conjured up to have SOMETHING bad to say about two really great heroes. There were probably some behind the scenes "suggestions" from producers going on to make "good television", but it still felt very contrived.

Right now it looks like a tight race (no pun intended) now that the obviously poor choices have been eliminated.
Can't wait to see what happens!

On another note...
I'm trying to find a way to allow people to send me voice messages that I can play on the podcast if I want to. I'd rather not give out my cell phone number and I'm not too interested in investing money into it.
I've come across some free widgets for the other blog (which I publish using Typepad), but the one that looks like it would work (from Evoca) would require me to upgrade to a more expensive service at Typepad. I tried using an Odeo link, but I think something's up with their system. It didn't seem to want to save my recorded message that I sent to myself as a test.
Anyway, I'd LOVE some ideas because I'm hoping to make the podcast and these blogs increasingly more interactive. Can anyone help me?

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