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Monday, August 20, 2007

"Superbad"(Movie Review)

Today, while my wife watched "Hairspray", I checked out "Superbad". This was a great movie, but I wouldn't recommend it to everyone.

If you are bothered by vulgar language and subject matter, stay far away. The whole plot of the movie revolves around three high school seniors trying to bring alcohol to a party so they can have sex with the girls they like. Aside from showing the cover of a porn magazine, there isn't any nudity in this film, although one of the characters really enjoys drawing cartoony pictures of male anatomy.

If you're not turned off by what's just been described, then you'll find a movie with realistically awkward portrayals of people that are about to become adults. Although there are some crazy, unrealistic situations in the movie, I felt like it found the heart of its characters and successfully brought them to life.

It was also the first movie I've seen since the Lord Of The Rings trilogy to show a strong, loving, but heterosexual bond between men. In our strongly polarized culture, too often men identify displaying affection to other men with being either a wimp, a woman, or a homosexual/bi-sexual. Considering how damaging that mentality has been to the relationships between fathers and sons, I was surprised and pleased to see the all too rare alternative showcased here.

For "laughs-per-minute" my sides hurt a lot more watching "The Pick Of Destiny"(another comedy dependant on tons of F-bombs and vulgar subject matter), but "Superbad" was still a lot of fun.

Quality: 8.5/10

Veracity: 7.0/10

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