Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

When will it END!!?

After launching our website I kicked off two blogs. A little over a month ago I started the podcast. Now I'm finally going to give attention to my personal MySpace page in ADDITION to starting one for Spirit Blade Productions.
Not to mention getting involved with "ThySpace", and possibly and Facebook!

All this stuff isn't NEAR as fun as the creative part of what I do, and yet I feel COMPELLED to stay up with trends in an effort to have an effective impact on people through Spirit Blade Productions.

I'm even understanding just a wee bit (with emphasis on "wee") of html code, which is frightening.

Anyone have some advice on the what the most effective networking tools on the web are? If I'm missing something, I'd love to add it to my list, and if I'm wasting my time with any of what I've listed, I'd like to get your feedback on that, too! Leave me a comment or record a voice message below! (I may even put it on the podcast!)


Anonymous said...

For heaven's sake, don't neglect this vital part of your promotional tool kit. The more of these networks you can be active and involved on, the better. Even if you manage to devote only thirty minutes a day to only one or two networks at a time, that's an active presence on up to ten forums. If you have have an average of twenty click-throughs a day from each one, that's two hundred hits a day. Thirty percent of your hits will continue to advertise by word of mouth, so that's sixty people a day talking about Spirit Blade. Fifty percent of them will continue passive involvement, so that's one hundred fifty consumers reached each week. Five percent will make a purchase of current product, while *eighty* percent of this type of consumer will wait for *new* product before making a purchase. The point is, this type of networking is vital. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry. I've got no plans to stop or even slow down these other aspects of what we're doing.
Even though I don't enjoy them "near as much", I still REALLY enjoy them! (I just enjoy writing scripts and producing projects in an insanely over the top kinda way.)
I think it's overwhelming in a humorous way that internet trends continue to change.
I've always been content to let trends pass me by and just do my own thing. But given my purpose and goals for Spirit Blade Productions, that's no longer an option.
That said, I really do enjoy doing the blogs and podcast, and am always grateful for the opportunities I've had to meet and share my life with new people through either my sites or the forums I'm active on.
God's been good, and I wouldn't want to miss any opportunities he has for me.
Thanks for your insight, Winston!
Always very appreciated by me.
