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Friday, January 11, 2008

X-3's Second Chance

Recently, I bought X-Men 3 on DVD. I found it for less than 6 bucks (and that INCLUDED shipping) online and figured, "Okay, I'm willing to pay 6 bucks for this movie."

You may assume correctly that I wasn't very impressed with the film when I saw it in theatres.

But time has made me a more relaxed viewer and on this second viewing, a year and a half later, I'm able to forgive a few of the film's shortcomings. Just a few mind you, but my feelings about the film have certainly improved.

It still lacks the time and attention needed for certain characters. For example, Rogue's turmoil over the cure should have had more screentime and nobody seemed to care much that Scott was killed. I also would have liked more time spent developing Angel and Beast.

However, despite having more characters than it was ready to give time for, this movie did deliver a few more exciting and even emotional moments than I remembered. Xavier's death, The Phoenix wiping people out by the dozen, Wolverine's final moment with Jean. While each could have been improved on, they were still fairly well done. Enough to make this movie a pretty decent action experience.

Who knows, I might have even been happy paying 7 bucks for it...

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