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Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Greatest American Hero Comic Book!

I just picked up issue #1 of this new series today and although I haven't read it yet (I'll review it on this weekend's podcast) I've flipped through the art and read a few panels and I'm pretty stoked.

What made the tv show of the 80's so great was that it took a non-Alan Moore approach to the question :What if a real guy got superpowers?

He wouldn't suddenly have great abs or possess conveniently ripped body before getting powers. He'd still be a skinny or flabby guy, but with abilities akin to Superman.

When the show failed, I believe it did so (as do the creators) because the studio execs wanted more traditional "superhero action" instead of the more philosophical moral dillemas the show dealt with in a few of it's best episodes. (With a splash of humor for good measure.)

If it's executed according to the original vision of the tv show, this will be one comic I'll pick up every month!

Up, up and... oh crap I lost the instruction book!

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