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Monday, December 15, 2008

Joining The Dark Side

So last night I came to a crucial moment in Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic where I have to choose between the woman I love and remaining a force for good.

I've been basing my characters decisions off of one of the characters in "Spirit Blade" who "walks the fence" a bit. As a result, I've spent much of the game making both good and bad choices, and trying to convince one of my closest friends that I will not betray him by joining the dark side.

And now I've done it. I've crossed the line and joined the dark side. Before I knew it, things got way out of hand and I ended up killing two of my friends in cold blood. It's making a for a gut-wrenching story and I'm really glad I made several copies of my game save before making that final, evil choice. Once I've beaten the game this way I'm gonna have to go back and beat it again on the other side of the fence. I've played RPGs using darker character choices before, but it's never led to anything that feels this..."icky"!


Michael Bridgman said...

So you joined up with the dark side and it wasn't just cookies like the bumper sticker said? Just wait until you get to Knights of the Old Republic II and you meet Kreia, who affiliates with what can only be called the neutral side of the force. One thing's for sure, both Knights of the Old Republic games have a very well written script regardless of what you choose to do.

Anonymous said...

I completely agree! Great script! I usually turn voice acting off when I can to make bad scripts sound better in my head, but I probably didn't need to with this one. I can't wait for the second game!

Michael Bridgman said...

Well, Knights of the Old Republic II has been out forever (OK, not literally, but you get the point) so you're pretty much just waiting on yourself.

Anonymous said...

Very true. But with Christmas around the corner, and that item on my list, instant gratification eludes me. But one way or the other, it's only a matter of time now...