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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Free D&D Adventure Modules!

I'm not a big fan of D&D. I've played it once or twice and had fun, but the rules are a little more complicated for GMing than I like. I've finally found a Fantasy RPG rules system that I dig in "Eldritch". ( But since it's a new game produced by a smaller game company, it just doesn't have the kind of support D&D has had for decades. Support that I have to rely on since I'm no longer in college with time to burn creating adventures and elaborate plots.

Luckily, the internet exists and I can jump over to Wizards Of The Coast's website for some free stuff! They maintain an archive of old edition D&D material that I'm adapting for use in my Eldritch game. It only takes a few minutes to generate monster and traps stats in Eldritch, and the rules lend themselves to creating enemies and scenarios that balance well with your group of heroes. So all I really need is the plotline, some maps and descriptive text, which I can get in these old D&D modules!

If you want to check them out for yourself, visit:

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