Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Lois and Clark/Ma and Pa

Recently I've been tempted to get online and purchase the first season of "Lois and Clark". I loved this show when it was on and thought it captured some wonderful things about the Superman mythos. Terri Hatcher looked the part of Lois Lane more than Margot Kidder (though her portrayal didn't seem quite "tough" enough to equal the unstoppable female reporter of the comics). The romance was handled well(for most of the show) and we got to know both of the title characters in wonderful ways.
Dean Cain left much to be desired in the role of Superman, but his Clark Kent fit the modern comic book mold: simple farmboy, instead of the clumsy ultra-nerd. (Don't get me wrong. Christopher Reeve's performance in both roles is yet to be beaten, but Cain's Clark was and still is a valid approach to the character, and one that I very much enjoyed.
The best moments of the show, however, were not scenes involving the world's strangest love triangle. The scenes I loved most were those between Clark and his parents. This show captured the Kents in a way I will never forget and wish they would have employed more in the comics. And now that Pa Kent is dead in both movie and comic book continuity, I feel a desire to experience that great parental/familial relationship again through the TV show.
At least until around season 3 or so...


J.R. LeMar said...

I only watched the first season all the way through. Then stopped following the show about halfway through the 2nd one.

Anonymous said...

Not surprising. I thought the show still had some real strengths in the second and even the third season, but by the fourth it needed fresh writers with new ideas and didn't seem to get them.