Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Magic" Back From My "Graveyard"

For the first few years that my wife and I were married, we were really into "Magic: The Gathering". I was especially. In addition to buying a bunch of cards all the time, I found an old computer game that simulated card matches for "Magic". It was alot of fun to play, but before long we had new computers that were not compatible with this old software. (And no, backwards compatibility tools were powerless to help me.) So I had to stick to real cards and real matches. But a lack of competitive nature, lack of funds, and lack of playing partners (my wife lost interest) led to me retiring my cards to the back of a closet, where they remain to this day.
But last week I got a little itch to get them out again. After looking through the cards, I was reminded of how I really don't like the competitive aspect of the game. But my interest was stimulated enough that I stumbled upon some user-made compatibility software online that would allow me to get my old "Magic" computer game out again and play it on XP!
So although I won't be buying any more cards and will have to make do with a set amount of them to play with in this game, I'm geeking out again over "Magic: The Gathering"! And it doesn't cost me a dime!


Matt said...

Disclosure - I'm a Wizards employee who stumbled on your blog!

I don't know if you have a Xbox 360 or not, but if you do, check out the trial for Duels of the Planeswalkers - on the Xbox arcade - it's 800 points and does a nice job of letting you enjoy Magic without the competitive aspect (I mean, aside from trying to win the actual game!) :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Matt!

Thanks for stopping by! I tried the demo a little while ago and wasn't too keen on the interface, but it looked very cool and the animations were sweet. And since reviving this old "Magic" computer game I've been curious to download the XBox 360 DoP demo again and compare apples to apples.
Didn't see the demo on Xbox live yesterday when I looked for it, but I'll check back again soon and hopefully they'll have it again.

