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Wednesday, October 21, 2009

My PC Is My Friend

I've decided that having a computer is like having a relationship. My PC is like a close friend or family member. It doesn't always make sense or communicate with me. Sometimes it just does what it wants to do, when it wants to do it. It may consistantly act one way for a little while and then have a major personality shift because of some event in its life that it hasn't told me about yet.
Sure, maybe it's just sick now and then. Naturally, I can fix the issue if it's a virus or registry error or I just need to defrag something. But I'm talking about the other times, when those tricks won't work. In those moments in our relationship, I've discovered that I just need to figure out what it likes and doesn't like and try to work around that. It doesn't want to be analyzed and picked apart. It doesn't want someone who is always trying to "fix" its problems. It just wants to be treated gently and with respect. Which I can do. Until I kill it.


Kimberly said...

Have you tried giving the computer a little verbal vitriol in Japanese? I find that often cows technology into obedience... German and the Black Speech of Mordor will sometimes do the trick, too. (And even if it doesn't work, it still provides a great opportunity to vent your frustration without cursing in public...)

Anonymous said...

Usually, when it gets that bad, all I can manage are brutish gutteral noises.