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Friday, October 10, 2008

Don't Kill Pa Kent!

Geoff Johns has worked his magic once again and recreated the villain Brainiac. While respecting continuity, he breathed a little (though not a lot of) new life into the character. At the very least I thought he made him creepier.

However, near the end of Action Comics #870, Pa Kent seems to suffer a heart attack that looked a lot like the event as told in Superman: The Movie. While I don't mind a heart attack, DO NOT kill Pa Kent!

Superman can experience darkness in his life without removing either of his parents. How many superheroes in comic books have a great relationship with both their mom and their dad? Seriously, let's make a list. A relationship with both parents that is really, really good, not weighed down by baggage or angst or dysfunction.

Clark's parents provide such a great model. They are such a source of wisdom, love and comfort for Clark. They keep this near-cosmic level character grounded. It's such a unique element, and to disrupt it by removing one of his parents would be a huge step in the wrong direction.

I realize that there are many homes, maybe even MOST homes in America (I haven't done any research) where parents like Clark's would seem alien in and of themselves. But let's not lower the ideal to match the sad reality.

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