Paeter is no longer posting to this blog. His new reviews and thoughts on geek entertainment (including all those previously posted here!) can now be found conveniently organized and archived at The Spirit Blade Underground!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

I've Been Cast In The "Farscape" Spin-off!!

Awesome news! I will be playing John Crichton's younger, flabbier, weirder brother in the upcoming "Farscape" spin-off tv show! I just spent the first week on the set last night from about 11:30pm to 7:45am this morning. Not sure how I got the part, but I think it's because I can fly. I'm hoping to be back on the set filming soon, but I have no idea when my next call time is, so I'll just have to keep you posted as the studio communicates with me.

To Claudia, Ben and the rest of the cast, I just want you to know what a tremendous honor it's going to be to work with you. And to the studio and writers, feel free to write scenes into the script that involve me flying around the room and stuff. I seem to be able to do that best when I'm on the set and can save you a ton of money on special effects and wire rigging.


Nathan J. Norman said...

What?! Seriously?!

Anonymous said...

Read it for yourself! This story is as real as my ability to literally defy the laws of gravity and to spend a week in Australia within a time-frame of only 8 hours! ;-)

Nathan J. Norman said...

Paeter, we all know you can fly. I don't think you so much defy the laws of gravity, in as much you choose to ignore them . . .