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Monday, February 28, 2011

Bioware Knows Replay

Even though I've been having a renewed blast playing through Diablo 2 for the first time, I can't help but divide my time between that and my second play through of "Dragon Age: Origins" in anticipation of Dragon Age 2 coming out next week. (My "Signature Edition" is pre-paid and I can almost feel it in my hands!)

One of the things Bioware has most impressed me with in their games is the replay factor that shines so strongly because of the variety of choices you can make and the kind of character you can play. The first time through DA:O I played a human fighter and made the kind of moral choices I would make if I wasn't, well... a coward.

This time, I'm playing an elven mage who is subtly amassing power with secret plans to eventually dominate Ferelden. Rather than play "stupid evil", where I wear my evil on my sleeve in every dialogue option, I tell all of these simple fools around me exactly what they want to hear rather than the hard but compassionate truths I gave them last time. In the end, I will turn on them all and laugh while suspended above them in the firestorm of my dark, godly powers.


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